Discover the properties and meanings of gemstones and precious metals

Welcome to our gemstone & precious metal encyclopedia! Here you will find all the gemstones and precious metals that we offer in our store. From A for Amethyst to Z for Zirconia - we have something for everyone. Browse through our almost alphabetically sorted list and learn more about the beauty and power of gemstones. Get inspired and discover the perfect stone for you and your loved ones through the diverse properties and meanings of gemstones.

Click on one of the gemstone and precious metal names below to go to their description.

Amethyst  •  Pink Opal  •  Aquamarine   •  Aventurine  •  Rock crystal  •  Chalcedony   •  Gold  •  Gold Vermeil  •  Lab Diamonds  •  Labradorite  •  Lapis lazuli  •  Moonstone  •  Onyx  •  Pearls  •  Mother of Pearl  •  Premiumsilver  •  Smoky quartz  •  Rose quartz  •  Silver  •  Silver quartz  •  Spinel  •  Zircon  •  Cubic zirconia

Amethyst Schmuckset

Amethyst belongs to the quartz group and is the official birthstone for the month of February. It is mainly found in Brazil, Uruguay, South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, Madagascar and Scotland and is characterized by its deep purple color, which is due to iron compounds in the stone.


Amethyst is one of the hardest and most valuable quartz and is therefore often used as a gemstone for jewelry. It is robust and scratch-resistant, which makes it a long-lasting choice.

Meaning & Impact

Amethyst is considered a symbol of purity, clarity and spirituality and is often used to help cleanse the soul and strengthen intuition. It also has a calming effect on the mind and is often used in meditations to clear the mind and promote concentration. As a gemstone, amethyst is popular because it helps many people feel more composed and calm during difficult times.

Who is the Amethyst especially suitable for?

Amethyst is especially suitable for people who long for clarity, purity and spirituality. It could also be interesting for people who suffer from stress or restlessness and long for more peace and serenity. Astrologically, amethyst is especially suitable for the astrological signs Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Virgo and Aries.

We hope that you will be inspired by the beauty and meaning of amethyst and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful stone that perfectly suits you.

Amethyst Schmuckset

Der Andenopal ist ein Stein, der in den Anden in Südamerika gefunden wird. Er gehört zur Familie der Opale und zeichnet sich durch seine wunderschöne Farbgebung aus, die sich von Gelb bis Rot erstrecken kann. Der Andenopal ist auch als «Opal des Feuers» bekannt, da seine Farben oft an die Flammen eines Feuers erinnern.


Der Andenopal ist ein sehr besonderer und kostbarer Stein, der für seine Schönheit und seine Einzigartigkeit geschätzt wird. Er zeigt ein Muster aus farbigen Schlieren und Flecken, das als «Opalisierung» bezeichnet wird und das jedes Stück zu einem Unikat macht. Der Andenopal ist auch sehr hart und kratzfest, was ihn zu einem geeigneten Stein für Schmuck macht.

Meaning & Impact

The ancient American advanced civilizations of the Aztecs and Incas recognized in the Andean opal an "eye of the gods", which they left behind on earth. It was considered a reminder of the original harmony of people, animals and nature, so that the balance of power would not be disturbed too much. Especially in times of war, the stone symbolized hope.

The Andean opal is considered a symbol of love and affection and is often used as a gift for special occasions such as weddings or anniversaries. It is also associated with luck and prosperity and is considered a stone of creativity and inspiration. In astrology, the Andean opal is associated with the zodiac sign Sagittarius.

Who is the Andenopal especially suitable for?

The Andean opal is especially suitable for people who are looking for love, affection and happiness. It could also be interesting for people who want to strengthen their self-confidence and boost their creativity. Astrologically, the Andean opal is especially suitable for the zodiac sign Sagittarius.

We hope that you will be inspired by the beauty and meaning of Andean opal, and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful stone that is perfect for you.

Amethyst Schmuckset

Der Aquamarin ist ein Stein, der in vielen Teilen der Welt gefunden wird, hauptsächlich in Brasilien, Afrika und Madagaskar. Er gehört zur Familie der Beryllsteine und ist in der Regel von einem hellen, klaren Türkisblau. Den Aquamarin gibt es jedoch in den Farbtönen blau bis grün. Den meisten ist der Aquamarin in der blauen Farbvarietät bekannt. Der Name Aquamarin leitet sich vom lateinischen Wort «aqua marina» ab, was «Wasser des Meeres» bedeutet, was auf die Ähnlichkeit des Steins mit dem Meer zurückzuführen ist.


Aquamarine is a very hard and durable stone that is very suitable for jewelry. It often displays beautiful color and clarity and can be found in a variety of sizes and shapes. Aquamarine is also known for its ability to refract light well, giving it a luminous appearance. The more transparent the aquamarine is, the purer and higher its quality.

Meaning & Impact

The healing stone is assigned to the sea god Poseidon in ancient texts. It was believed that it came from the treasure chest of a mermaid and could appease the sea god.
Aquamarine is considered a symbol of peace and harmony and is often used as a gift for special occasions such as weddings or anniversaries. It is also associated with loyalty and trust and is considered the stone of purity and innocence. In astrology, aquamarine is associated with the astrological sign Aquarius. But also the star signs Gemini, Pisces, Aries, Libra and Sagittarius benefit from this stone.

Who is the Aquamarine especially suitable for?

Aquamarine is especially suitable for people who seek peace, harmony and loyalty. It could also be interesting for people who want to strengthen their intuition and enhance their creativity. Astrologically, the aquamarine is especially suitable for the astrological sign Aquarius.

We hope that you will be inspired by the beauty and meaning of Aquamarine and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful stone that perfectly suits you.

Amethyst Schmuckset

Aventurine is a gemstone whose origin goes back to the ancient cultures of the Orient. It was revered there as a sacred symbol of riches and good fortune. Today, the aventurine is found mainly in Brazil, India and Russia.


Aventurine is especially known for its calming and balancing effect. It helps to balance thoughts and emotions and to focus on the here and now. Aventurine is also a stone of creativity and progress, inspiring to develop new ideas and pursue goals.

Meaning & Impact

Aventurine is often considered a stone of love and friendship, which can help strengthen and deepen relationships. It is also considered a protective stone against negative energy and envy, and can help to be protected from bad karma and negative influences.

AventurineIts name is derived from the Italian "a ventura" and translates as " at good luck".
Already the ancient Greeks said about the aventurine that it gives courage and optimism.

Who is the Aventurine especially suitable for?

Der Aventurin eignet sich besonders für Menschen, die unter Stress oder Unruhe leiden und eine beruhigende Wirkung suchen.  Aventurin ist ein wichtiger Hauptstein für die Sternzeichen Stier, Krebs und Schütze. Dem Stier beschert dieser Heilstein Geduld und Zufriedenheit und der Schütze wird in allen positiven Merkmalen gestärkt. Dem Krebs verleiht er emotionale Ausgeglichenheit, Ruhe und Zufriedenheit.

We hope that you will be inspired by the beauty and meaning of Aventurine and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful stone that perfectly suits you.

Amethyst Schmuckset
Rock crystal

Rock crystal is a gemstone found in many parts of the world, including Brazil, Austria, Russia and the USA. It is a type of quartz and has been used in jewelry making and healing for centuries.

The stone has been known since ancient times. At that time, people imagined that the crystal was formed from pure spring water that froze and crystallised on high mountains. The name comes from this idea, by which the stone is still known today.


Rock crystal is especially known for its cleansing properties. It helps to cleanse and clear the aura and release blocked energy. It is also considered a stone of clarity and concentration, which can help focus thoughts and make decisions.

Meaning & Impact

Rock crystal is often considered a stone of healing and transformation. It helps to bring one's energy to a higher vibration and to release blocked emotions. It is also considered a protective stone against negative energy and a talisman for well-being.

Who is the Rock crystal especially suitable for?

Rock crystal is especially suitable for people who feel stressed or unbalanced and are looking for a cleansing of their aura. It is also a wonderful stone for anyone who has difficulty concentrating or making decisions. Astrologically, rock crystal is especially suitable for people with the zodiac signs of Leo, Sagittarius and Capricorn, who are passionate and ambitious and can benefit from the clearing effect of rock crystal.

We hope that you will be inspired by the beauty and meaning of Rock crystal and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful stone that perfectly suits you.

Amethyst Schmuckset

Chalcedony gemstone is a beautiful and versatile gemstone that comes from different parts of the world. It is mainly found in Brazil, Australia, the USA and India. Chalcedony is a member of the quartz family and has a wide range of colors, from light blue to dark burgundy.

This gemstone was probably named after the first place where it was found, the ancient city of Chalcedon on the Bosporus. Stone Age finds prove that it was already used to make weapons at that time, and in ancient times it was used to make jewelry and art objects.


Der Chalcedon Edelstein ist bekannt für seine beruhigende Eigenschaft und wird oft als «Edelstein der Ruhe» bezeichnet. Er hilft dabei, Stress und Angst zu reduzieren und schenkt uns ein Gefühl von innerer Gelassenheit. Der Chalcedon ist auch für seine heilenden Kräfte bekannt und wird oft als Schmuckstück getragen, um das Immunsystem zu stärken und Schmerzen zu lindern.

Meaning & Impact

Der Chalcedon Edelstein hat auch eine tiefere symbolische Bedeutung. Er wird oft als Symbol für Freundschaft und Brüderlichkeit betrachtet und hilft dabei, tiefgreifende Verbindungen zu anderen Menschen aufzubauen. Der Chalcedon wird auch als «Edelstein der Kommunikation» bezeichnet, da er dazu beitragen kann, unsere Gedanken und Gefühle klar auszudrücken.

Who is the Chalcedony especially suitable for?

Chalcedony gemstone is especially suitable for people who suffer from stress and tension and are looking for inner peace. It is also perfect for those who want to improve their communication skills and build deeper connections with others. Chalcedony is also a good choice for all zodiac signs that fall under the element of water, such as Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. As a healing stone, Chalcedony is said to help nursing mothers produce milk and is therefore also called a milk stone.

We hope that you will be inspired by the beauty and meaning of Chalcedony and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful stone that perfectly suits you.

Amethyst Schmuckset

Gold is a precious metal that has been valued by people for thousands of years. It is extracted from the depths of the earth, usually from gold veins in rocks or from rivers and streams. It is very rare and therefore very valuable. Even the ancient Egyptians valued gold as a material for jewelry, works of art and as a means of payment.


Gold is a special metal that is easy to shape and work with. That is why it is ideal for jewelry. It also does not rust and is therefore very durable. In addition, gold has high thermal and electrical conductivity, which makes it an important material in the electronics industry.

Meaning & Impact

Gold has always had a special meaning for people. It is often associated with wealth, power and luxury and therefore serves as a status symbol. It is also considered a symbol of immortality and eternity and is therefore often used in religious ceremonies. Gold also has a calming effect on people and is therefore often used in art and jewelry making.

Who is Gold especially suitable for?

Gold is suitable for anyone who values quality and beauty. It is especially popular with the zodiac signs Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius, who are attracted to gold. However, all other zodiac signs can also benefit from gold because it has the qualities that are important to each of us: Beauty, durability, and reassurance. Whether you're looking for a special piece of jewelry for yourself or want to give someone a gift, gold is always a good choice. It's timeless and will always impress you with its beauty and quality. You'll feel special and appreciated every time you wear gold jewelry.

We hope you'll be inspired by the beauty and meaning of Gold, and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful precious metal that's perfect for you.

Amethyst Schmuckset

Gold Vermeil ist ein wunderschönes Material, das in der Welt des Schmucks sehr geschätzt wird. Der Begriff «Vermeil» stammt aus dem Französischen und bezieht sich auf eine spezielle Art der Vergoldung. Um Gold Vermeil herzustellen, wird eine Basis aus Silber genommen, auf die eine dicke Schicht 24-karätiges Gold aufgetragen wird. Dieses aufwendige Verfahren verleiht dem Schmuckstück einen edlen Glanz und eine luxuriöse Ausstrahlung.


Gold vermeil is characterized by its warm, golden color, reminiscent of the sun's rays. It is a cost-effective alternative to solid gold, but offers the same luxurious look. The precious metal silver underneath provides stability and durability. Gold vermeil jewelry is timeless and elegant, perfect for everyday wear or special occasions.

Der internationale Standard für Gold Vermeil legt fest, dass ein Schmuckstück, um als «Gold Vermeil» bezeichnet werden zu können, aus einer Basis aus Silber bestehen muss, auf die eine Schicht echtes Gold mit einer Mindeststärke von 2,5 Mikrometern aufgetragen wird. Das Gold, das für Vermeil verwendet wird, muss mindestens 10 Karat haben.

In Purajoya, the Gold Vermeil standard is higher and consists of a gold layer of at least 3 micro and 24 carats.

Meaning & Impact

Gold vermeil symbolizes wealth, prosperity and luxury. It is a material that combines the beauty of gold with the stability of silver. Many believe that gold vermeil jewelry can attract positive energy and boost self-confidence. They are often seen as an expression of style and sophistication.

Who is Gold especially suitable for?

Gold Vermeil is especially suitable for people who appreciate luxury and elegance without breaking their budget. This material can be worn by anyone and is a great choice for those looking for timeless jewelry. It suits all zodiac signs and can add a touch of glamour to anyone. If you are looking for a piece of jewelry that will enhance your personality and style while being affordable, Gold Vermeil is the ideal choice for you!

We hope you'll be inspired by the beauty and meaning of Gold Vermeil, and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful precious metal that's perfect for you.

Amethyst Schmuckset

Labor gezüchtete Diamanten, auch als «lab-grown» Diamanten bezeichnet, werden seit den 1950er Jahren hergestellt. Sie entstehen unter kontrollierten Laborbedingungen, in denen Kohlenstoffatome zu einem Diamantengitter angeordnet werden. Im Gegensatz zu natürlichen Diamanten, die tief unter der Erde entstehen, werden Labor gezüchtete Diamanten in speziellen Hochdruck-Hochtemperatur- oder chemischen Gasphasenabscheidungsverfahren erzeugt.


Lab grown diamonds have the same chemical, physical and optical properties as natural diamonds. They are just as hard, radiant and sparkling.

Meaning & Impact

Lab grown diamonds are a sign of sustainability and environmental awareness. As a sustainable jewelry label, we have consciously chosen these diamonds because they do not require environmentally damaging mining activities and are conflict-free. By using lab-grown diamonds, we can create beautiful jewelry that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also reflects our environmental responsibility and social ethics.

We pride ourselves on offering high quality jewelry that does not come at the expense of people or nature. Our lab-grown diamonds help reduce the environmental impact of the jewelry manufacturing process while providing radiant beauty.

Who are Lab Diamonds especially suitable for?

Lab grown diamonds are a fantastic choice if you're looking for beautiful jewelry that is both affordable and environmentally friendly. These diamonds offer the same brilliance and hardness as natural diamonds, but at a fraction of the price. This means you can wear high quality jewelry without breaking your budget.

Another great advantage of lab-grown diamonds is their environmental friendliness. Their production does not require mining activities that are harmful to the environment, which helps to protect our planet. Moreover, these diamonds are conflict free as they are produced ethically and sustainably. So you can wear your jewelry with a clear conscience, which is not only beautiful but also respects the environment.

In short, lab-grown diamonds are a responsible and cost-effective choice for jewelry lovers. They allow you to enjoy radiant brilliance at a fair price while minimizing your environmental impact. Whether you're looking for an engagement ring, a pendant, or a pair of earrings, these diamonds are a brilliant choice.

We hope that you will be inspired by the beauty and meaning of lab diamonds and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful stone that perfectly suits you.

Amethyst Schmuckset

Labradorite was named after its first place of discovery, the Labrador Peninsula, located in eastern Canada. A special feature of this gemstone is its iridescent color play, which is called Labradorescence. Labradorite is a mineral gemstone found primarily in Canada, Finland, Russia and in Madagascar. It is a part of the plagioclase mineral group and belongs to the genus of feldspars.

Meaning & Impact

Labradorite has been used in esotericism for centuries and is considered a stone of transformation and protection. It is said to help develop one's strength and personality and to strengthen self-confidence. Also, the labradorite should help to promote intuition and creativity.

Who is Labradorite especially suitable for?

The labradorite is particularly suitable for people who are in a state of upheaval and need support for change. Also for artists and creative people the labradorite can be a valuable support. Astrologically, the labradorite is particularly suitable for the astrological sign Aquarius.

We hope that you will be inspired by the beauty and meaning of Labradorite and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful stone that perfectly suits you.

Amethyst Schmuckset

The stone got its name from its blue color. Lapis lazuli was already considered a coveted commodity in the 3rd millennium BC, from which artistic objects were made. For the ancient Egyptians, this gemstone was the most precious thing they could give as a burial gift to their dead pharaohs. The main deposits of this gemstone are found in Afghanistan, Chile and Russia.


Lapis lazuli is known for its deep blue color with golden or white spots, often reminiscent of the night sky. This gemstone has a mystical aura and a unique texture. It is often polished to bring out its full natural beauty. Its colors are reminiscent of royal splendor and are a symbol of wisdom and truth.

Meaning & Impact

For many rulers of history lapis lazuli was considered a protective stone. In ancient times, in Asia and even among the Incas, lapis lazuli was known as a healing stone. According to their traditions, its sulfur content was said to be effective against epilepsy, skin diseases or biliousness, and it could increase potency.

Lapis lazuli is also considered the stone of wisdom and spiritual enlightenment. It is said to enhance communication and improve mental clarity. This gemstone is also associated with inner peace and harmony. Many believe that it can dispel negative energies and boost self-confidence.

Who is Lapis lazuli especially suitable for?

Lapis lazuli is an important main stone for the zodiac sign Sagittarius. The healing stone is said to help in the search for a new partner and in the fulfillment of one's life. But lapis lazuli is also an important secondary stone for the zodiac sign Virgo, because it would solve too much modesty.

Lapis lazuli is also particularly suitable for those who are looking for spiritual enlightenment, inner wisdom and mental clarity. This gemstone can be especially helpful for the astrological signs Aquarius, Gemini and Virgo, as it promotes communication and thinking.

We hope that you will be inspired by the beauty and meaning of Lapis lazuli and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful stone that perfectly suits you.

Amethyst Schmuckset

Moonstone is a gemstone that takes its name from its shiny, shimmering surface, reminiscent of the light of the moon. It is found in many parts of the world, especially in Brazil, India and Sri Lanka. Moonstone belongs to the group of feldspars. It is milky white, gray, brown to orange or rarely once black.


Moonstone is known for its beautiful opalescent color, which can shimmer in many different hues. When in motion, a soft bluish-white glow glides across its surface, reminiscent of moonlight.

Meaning & Impact

Moonstone has been known for centuries as a gemstone of love and marriage. It is also often used as a talisman to strengthen intuition and emotional powers. Some people believe that the moonstone can help calm the mood and contribute to a sense of peace and serenity.

Who is Moonstone especially suitable for?

Moonstone is especially suitable for people who are looking for a piece of jewelry that will bring out their romantic and emotional sides. It is often worn by Aries, Cancer and Pisces, who are attracted to its calming effect.

We hope that you will be inspired by the beauty and meaning of Moonstone and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful stone that perfectly suits you.

Mondstein Edelsteinfarben

Moonstone gemstone colours

Amethyst Schmuckset

Black onyx is a mineral gemstone and belongs to the chalcedony family, a form of quartz known for its deep black color and smooth texture. It was prized as jewelry by the Greeks and Romans in ancient times and is still valued in many parts of the world. The onyx is found mainly in Brazil, Madagascar and the USA.


The onyx is usually black or dark brown and has a shiny, polished surface. It is also often used to make jewelry such as rings, necklaces and bracelets. The onyx also has the ability to refract the light and reflect it in rainbow colors, which gives it a special beauty.

Meaning & Impact

The name of the deep black onyx comes from the Greek and translates as "fingernail". Presumably, its naming is due to its good effect on nails, hair and skin. In ancient times, onyx was one of the most important gemstones and was considered a protective stone against black magic and mischief. Therefore, onyx was often given to the dead as a burial object so that they would be protected on their journey to the afterlife.

The onyx is often considered a symbolic sign of strength and courage. It is also often used as a protective stone to ward off negative energy and protect the wearer. It is said that the onyx can help improve concentration and boost self-confidence.

Who is Onyx especially suitable for?

The onyx is especially suitable for people who suffer from weakness and insecurity and want to strengthen their self-confidence. It is also suitable for people who want to protect themselves from negative energy. Zodiac signs that can especially benefit from the onyx are Capricorn, Scorpio, Leo and Sagittarius.

We hope that you will be inspired by the beauty and meaning of Onyx and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful stone that perfectly suits you.

Amethyst Schmuckset

Pearls are considered a true jewelry classic. They are naturally beautiful and unlike gemstones, you don't have to cut them to make them reveal their magnificence. Pearls are a true wonder of nature and have a fascinating origin. They are formed in the depths of the ocean when a foreign object, such as a grain of sand, enters the shell. The mollusk defends itself against these intruders by secreting layers of shimmering nacre around them. This process can take many years and leads to the formation of the precious pearl. The discovery that pearls can be cultured and no longer have to be fetched from the depths of the sea at the risk of their lives has changed things. As a result, they have become affordable for many people since the beginning of the 20th century. They are cultivated in China, Australia and the South Seas.


Pearls are unique in their delicate beauty and soft radiance. They are available in a variety of colors, from snow white to cream to pale pink and shimmering silver. Their round shape and shimmering luster make them timeless pieces of jewelry. Each pearl is unique and tells its own story. The price increases with perfection; the rounder and smoother a pearl is, the more it costs. The higher the quality, the better its shimmer, the so-called luster, becomes visible.

Meaning & Impact

Pearls are often considered symbols of purity, innocence and beauty. They are said to bring good luck and prosperity and are considered a sign of love and connection. Pearls are also associated with spiritual qualities and are often used for meditation and to promote inner peace and harmony.

Who are pearls especially suitable for?

The pearl is suitable for people who appreciate the beauty in simplicity and are looking for inner peace. This gemstone can be especially helpful for the zodiac signs Cancer, Taurus and Pisces, as it radiates a gentle and calming energy. If you are looking for timeless jewelry that will highlight your elegance and femininity, the pearl is for you!

We hope that you will be inspired by the beauty and meaning of pearls and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful natural product that perfectly suits you.

Amethyst Schmuckset

Mother of pearl is the beautifully shiny layer produced on the inside of shellfish such as seashells or marine snails. It has been used for centuries, especially as jewelry and for valuables, because it shimmers and "iridesces" in all the colors of the rainbow. The fascinating, rainbow-colored shine of mother of pearl comes from the fact that mother of pearl is composed of several layers of aragonite and conchyn, one on top of the other. At each of these individual layers, light rays are partly transmitted and partly reflected. The interference, i.e. the superimposition of the incoming and reflected light, produces the colorful hues characteristic of mother of pearl. The strength of this optical effect depends on the viewing angle of the observer. If the mother of pearl is moved, a lively and colorful iridescence can be observed. The secret of the origin of mother of pearl lies in the depths of the sea, where this magical substance is slowly and carefully created.


Mother of pearl is known for its unique luster and iridescent hues that shimmer depending on the incidence of light. From delicate pink to shimmering blue and brilliant white, mother of pearl captures the beauty of nature in all its facets. This wonderful material is often crafted into jewelry that is timeless and elegant.

Meaning & Impact

Mother of pearl represents femininity, intuition and emotional balance. It is said to help ward off negative energies and strengthen the soul. Many believe that mother of pearl has a calming effect on the mind and promotes inner peace. It is often used as a symbol of protection and love.

Who is mother of pearl especially suitable for?

Mother of pearl is especially suitable for people who are looking for inner peace, emotional stability and spiritual connection. This beautiful material can be especially helpful for the zodiac signs Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio, as it enhances the intuitive side. If you're looking for jewelry that radiates not only outer beauty but also inner balance and harmony, mother of pearl is for you!

We hope that you will be inspired by the beauty and meaning of mother of pearl and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful natural product that perfectly suits you.

Amethyst Schmuckset

The patented, revolutionary premium silver is a new type of alloy with exceptional protection against tarnishing or oxidation, which makes it especially suitable for quality jewelry. The new premium silver is a refined premium class silver alloy, with a very white color and highly polished surface.

Advantages of premium silver

  • Sustainable & environmentally friendly
  • Tarnish resistant - it does not turn black or oxidise*
  • The finest silver - it has the highest silver content of 960 (instead of 925 as with conventional silver).
  • Particularly bright silver colour, as the Premiumsilver contains more silver and less copper
  • Harder than conventional silver
  • Hypoallergenic properties that allow people with silver or even gold allergies to wear it

What makes Premium Silver so environmentally friendly?

  • Premium Silver does not oxidise. This means that the silver does not tarnish* and does not develop dark spots. This eliminates the need for cleaning and coating with toxic chemicals and dangerous processes.
  • The tarnish resistance of Premium Silver eliminates all the energy-intensive surface treatments and associated environmental pollution that come with conventional 925 silver.
  • Premium Silver has a higher hardness and is therefore more resistant to daily influences. Better quality means a more sustainable product.
  • Premium Silver is made from recycled, conflict-free silver.
  • Premium Silver's unique and superior feature reduce manufacturing time, labour and resources.
  • Premium Silver is nickel-free and hypoallergenic.

We hope you'll be inspired by the beauty and benefits of Premiumsilver, and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful precious metal that's perfect for you.

* Premium silver is a natural precious metal that can react with certain chemicals and medications.

Amethyst Schmuckset

Smoky quartz is a mysterious gemstone that has its origin deep underground. This fascinating stone is formed by the action of natural radioactive radiation on the clear quartz crystal. This radiation causes the quartz to change color, resulting in its characteristic smoky color. The stronger the radiation, the darker the color of the stone. It is mostly transparent to translucent and is often used for the production of gemstones. Smoky quartz is found in various parts of the world, including Brazil, Madagascar and Switzerland.


Smoky quartz is known for its warm, smoky color that can range from soft gray to deep brown. It has a soft, earthy appeal and is often used in jewelry to add a subtle elegance and mystique. This gemstone is also characterized by its transparency, which allows it to gently filter light.

Meaning & Impact

Smoky quartz is often considered a stone of grounding and stability. It is said to help dissipate negative energies and promote inner peace. This gemstone is also often used to promote self-acceptance and self-confidence. It helps to dispel fears and worries and has a calming effect on the mind.

Who is Smoky quartz especially suitable for?

Smoky quartz is especially suitable for people who are looking for grounding, stability and inner peace. This gemstone can be especially helpful for the zodiac signs of Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo, as it enhances the natural qualities of these signs. If you're looking for a piece of jewelry that will give you peace and confidence while exuding subtle elegance, smoky quartz is for you!

We hope that you will be inspired by the beauty and meaning of Smoky quartz and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful stone that perfectly suits you.

Amethyst Schmuckset

Der Name «Rosenquarz» leitet sich von seiner zarten rosa Farbe ab, die an die Schönheit der Rose erinnert. Gemäss der griechischen und römischen Mythologie soll er von Eros (römischen: Amor – dem Gott der Liebe) auf die Erde gebracht worden sein. Er soll den Menschen Liebe schenken und gilt seit jeher als Stein der Fruchtbarkeit. Dieser wunderschöne Stein wird in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt gefunden, darunter Brasilien, Madagaskar und auch in einigen Regionen der USA.


Rose quartz is known for its soft pink color and transparent appearance. It has a calming and loving aura that opens the heart and provides comfort. This gemstone is often made into jewelry to symbolize love and compassion. Its delicate beauty makes it a timeless classic.

Meaning & Impact

Rose quartz is often considered the stone of love and the heart. It is said to help strengthen love for oneself and others. This gemstone promotes trust, compassion and harmony in relationships. It can also dispel fears and worries and give inner peace.

Who is mother of pearl especially suitable for?

Rose quartz is especially suitable for people who seek love, compassion and harmony in their lives. This gemstone can be especially helpful for the zodiac signs Libra, Cancer and Taurus, as it supports the emotional qualities of these signs. If you're looking for a piece of jewelry that will open your heart, provide love and comfort, and strengthen your relationships, rose quartz is for you!

We hope that you will be inspired by the beauty and meaning of Rose quartz and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful stone that perfectly suits you.

Amethyst Schmuckset

Silver is a precious metal that has been valued by people for thousands of years. It is naturally occurring and was mined in ancient times by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Today it is mined primarily in Mexico, Peru, China and Australia. It is relatively rare, but occurs twenty times more frequently than gold.


Silver is a very soft metal, which is why it is often alloyed with other metals such as copper to make it stronger and more durable. It is also one of the best conductors of heat and electricity and is therefore used in many technical devices. In its pure form, it is very shiny and is therefore often made into jewelry. In textiles and in medicine, for example, the antibacterial properties of silver are valued.

Meaning & Impact

Silver has been seen as a symbol of wealth and prosperity for centuries. It is also often considered a healing metal and is said to spread positive energy and strengthen the immune system. It is also said that silver enhances dreams and promotes intuition.

We hope you'll be inspired by the beauty and meaning of silver, and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful precious metal that's perfect for you.

Amethyst Schmuckset


Hardly any mineral produces as many known varieties as quartz. It is a hard mineral and consists of crystals in various shapes and colors, with the crystal faces shining like glass. When colored ions are included, quartz can take on quite different colors. As one of the most common minerals in the world, quartz can be found in many places. There are large deposits in Brazil and India, among other places, but also on Madagascar and in the USA.

Meaning & Impact

The various quartz crystals are well suited for meditation and are also frequently used. The quartz itself is said to protect against harmful rays and is therefore often placed in homes.

We hope that you will be inspired by the beauty and meaning of Silver quartz and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful stone that perfectly suits you.

Amethyst Schmuckset

Spinel is one of the most valuable gemstones and is rarely found in the form of larger crystals. The origin of its name is not clear today. It comes in red, purple, yellow, blue, green, black and brown colors.

Meaning & Impact

Der Spinell gehört zu den wichtigsten Heilsteinen überhaupt. Der schöne Edelstein soll Mut spenden, aufheitern und eine zuversichtliche Lebenseinstellung fördern. Er soll dabei helfen Belastungen sowie Ängste abzubauen und Veränderungen oder neue Lebenssituationen zu erleichtern. Spinell gilt als Stein der Meditation sowie inneren Ruhe. Geschätzt wird er als Schutzstein für die Seele.

Who is Spinel especially suitable for?

Spinel is especially suitable for people who are looking for inner strength, emotional balance and mental clarity. Spinel is an important main stone for the zodiac signs Scorpio and Sagittarius. Both are helped by this healing stone to achieve the goals they have set. The red spinel solves the future-related fears of the Scorpio and the blue spinel helps the Sagittarius over hard times.

We hope that you will be inspired by the beauty and meaning of Spinel and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful stone that perfectly suits you.

Amethyst Schmuckset


Seinen Namen bekam der Edelstein Zirkon ursprünglich wegen seiner Goldfarbe, denn er stammt vom arabischen bzw. persischen Wort „zargun“, was «Gold» bedeutet. Die Farbpalette variiert allerdings von farblos, goldgelb, gelbrot, rot bis braun. Sehr selten sind Zirkone auch grün, blau oder schwarz. Oft werden die Farben durch das Brennen der Steine intensiviert oder verändert.

The name zircon has been used only since modern times. In ancient times it was called hyacinth and still stands for yellow-red to brown color varieties. According to Greek mythology, it was named after Hyakinthos, who was killed out of jealousy by Apollo because of his beauty. Hyacinth was created from his blood. Especially the white zircon was highly sought after over the centuries as a gemstone and jewelry stone, while the hyacinth was said to have strong healing properties.


Zircon was formed 4.4 billion years ago and is the oldest known mineral on Earth and on the Moon. Zircon is one of the most abundant minerals in the earth's crust. Due to its heat resistance, it is nowadays also used in industry. Zircon is weakly radioactive due to its chemical composition!

Zircons should not be confused with the namesake zirconia. Although they both contain the mineral zirconium, they are very different in terms of how they are produced. Zircons are naturally extracted and eventually coloured by strong heating. Zirconia, on the other hand, are stones that are artificially produced in a laboratory and are almost identical in appearance to real diamonds.

Meaning & Impact

Zircon and especially the hyacinth helps to let go of separations, losses or materialism. It allows to deal with reality, clarifies everything transient and teaches to distinguish important from unimportant. Moreover, this healing stone frees from prejudices and frozen life situations. It can also free from melancholy and lack of self-esteem and increase self-confidence. Furthermore, the zircon can stimulate new ideas, make them come true and promote dreams.

Who is mother of pearl especially suitable for?

Zircon is especially suitable for people who want to reorient themselves and plan to realize their dreams and ideas. Zircon is an important main stone for the zodiac sign Taurus. This gemstone helps him to process separations or losses and makes him aware of reality. The blue zircon helps Sagittarius to process losses and enhances his mind.

We hope that you will be inspired by the beauty and meaning of Zircon and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful stone that perfectly suits you.

Amethyst Schmuckset

Zirconia is a synthetic diamond produced in laboratories. It was first synthesized in 1892 by the German chemist Dr. Friedrich Mohs. Today, zirconia is the most commonly used substitute for natural diamonds in jewelry.


Zirconia is a brilliant imitation of diamonds. The stone looks confusingly similar to diamonds and is also in great demand in the jewellery industry because of its hardness (Mohs scale 8-8.5). It can be cut exactly like a diamond in the brilliant cut. Another advantage is that zirconia can be produced in any colour. This makes trendy and elegant creations possible at affordable prices.

Meaning & Impact

Zirconia is often considered a symbol of purity, clarity and innocence. It is also considered a stone of fidelity and love, as it is often used as a diamond substitute in love gifts.

Who is mother of pearl especially suitable for?

The cubic zirconia is great for people who love diamonds and are looking for an affordable substitute for natural diamonds.

We hope that you will be inspired by the beauty and meaning of Zirconia and maybe even find a piece of jewelry with this wonderful stone that perfectly suits you.